WS Payment Options & Fees for Services


Wellness Solutions provides several payment options based on a client's resources. 

We try to provide our clients with payment options to assist with finding our services accessible and affordable. We recognize that insurance and payment for treatment can be confusing and overwhelming. We created a payment infographic to try and help you make decision about which payment option is most appropriate to you. Below you will find all of the payment options with an explanation of each option. Please make sure you read the below explanations regarding your payment options so that you fully understand the recommendations provided by the payment tool.

WS Payment Option Decision Making Graphic: 

WS Payment Options Decision Making Flow Chart 4th Draft 2020

WS Fee Schedule:

WS Fee Schedule Page 1 Updated and Revised 2020

WS Fee Schedule Page 2 Updated and Revised 4th Draft 2020

WS Payment Options Explanation: 


The client has insurance. 

Wellness Solutions, LLC is an in network provider with the client’s insurance. 

The Clinical Associate with Wellness Solutions, LLC is an in network provider with the client’s insurance.  

The client would like Wellness Solutions, LLC to check insurance eligibility and benefits, submit claims to insurance, and follow up on claims with insurance so the client can use his/her insurance benefits. 


The client has insurance. 

Either Wellness Solutions, LLC and/or the Clinical Associate with Wellness Solutions, LLC are out of network with the client’s insurance. Therefore, the client will not be able to use his/her in network insurance benefits. 

The client would like sliding scale fees (discounted fees) since he/she cannot use his/her in network insurance benefits. 


 The client does NOT have insurance. 

 The client would like sliding scale fees (discounted fees) since he/she does not have insurance and the standard fees for services might be cost prohibitive to entering and receiving care. 


The client has insurance. 

Either Wellness Solutions, LLC and/or the Clinical Associate with Wellness Solutions, LLC are out of network with the client’s insurance. Therefore, the client will not be able to use his/her in network insurance benefits. The client would like to pay the standard fees for services (full fee for services) and submit his/her claims to insurance to access the client’s out of network insurance benefits. 

 OPTION 5 : 

The client does not have insurance. 

The client does not want or need sliding scale fees (discounted fees). 

The client would like standard fees for services.   


If you are totally lost and have no idea what payment options you would prefer then have no fear! Once WS has all of your information we can help you sort through your options and provide you with some guidance.  
