WS Services FAQ


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1. How much time does it take to schedule a new client appointment?

  • There are many factors that influence how quickly a new client can schedule an appointment. In most situations WS can offer a new client appointment within 3 days of receiving the appointment request form and ALL intake documents. WS receives many questions regarding how long it takes to schedule an appointment from individuals who have only completed some of the intake forms. WS cannot offer an appointment to anyone who has completed some and not ALL of the forms. 
  • Additional variables that affect a scheduling a new client appointment include the following: The greater a client’s schedule availability the more options we will have available to offer you an appointment time, receipt of information in the intake forms that is thorough and complete, and responsiveness to outreaches from WS to schedule the appointment.  
  • We make every effort to admit every client that we are able to accommodate based on a client's schedule availability and requested needs for care. For obvious reasons we are not able to admit every client who submits a request. In most cases we can offer a new client an appointment. We are not able to "guarantee" an appointment to everyone nor can we "guarantee" an appointment to everyone who completes an appointment request or the intake documents. We appreciate your interest in our services and sincerely want to help as many people as we are able. We also stagger our admission to ensure that we provide quality of care and not merely "quantity of care".  If you have not been able to schedule an appointment within 14 days of submitting an appointment request and completing the intake documents then the request has aged out and expired. In order to avoid an unnecessary delay of care we recommend that you continue to pursue an appointment with other providers until such time you have secured and confirmed an appointment. 

2. What if I cannot wait for an appointment? What if I need an appointment right now? 

  • WS provides outpatient counseling, coaching, and psychotherapy. WS does not provide immediate, urgent, or emergent services. WS does not provide urgent services, emergency services, or 24/7/365 services. If you are in an emergency please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. If you are unable to schedule an appointment and feel that you cannot wait for an appointment please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Clients who would like to schedule new appointments are often anxious to begin services. We appreciate their motivation and desire for change. If a client is experiencing symptoms that are so severe that he or she requires immediate, urgent, or emergent care then Wellness Solutions is not the appropriate type of care that you need. Please pursue treatment that can provide you with the emergency care you require to ensure safety. 
  • In healthcare one can fairly compare outpatient mental health care, such as counseling, coaching, and psychotherapy as analogous to going to your primary care physician where appointments are for regular routine care and the patient does not have any risk or safety concerns. If you need immediate care, urgent care, or emergency care then that is what urgent care, hospital care, or the emergency room is for both mental health and medical healthcare. If someone is in a situation where he or she requires immediate, urgent, or emergency care then outpatient care is not the appropriate and safe level of care to receive treatment. If someone cannot wait to schedule an outpatient appointment then they should pursue an immediate, urgent, or emergent level of care. If someone schedules an appointment WS which is an outpatient level of care and upon assessment the client requires a higher level of care then WS will refer the client to another care appropriate to the client's situation and level of need. WS will not provide care for a client at the outpatient level of care who clinically requires a higher level of care. 

3. Do you accept walk-in appointments?

  • No. WS does not accept walk-in clients. All clients are scheduled and all appointments are scheduled in advance. Individuals who present to our office requesting an appointment will not be provided an appointment. Also, please do not leave notes on the door to our office or under our office door. This is not a confidential way to communicate with our staff and we do not accept appointment requests in this manner. 
  • WS is currently telehealth only. However, when we do see clients in person we do not accept walk-in appointments. 

4. Be Polite. Be Kind. Be Respectful. Take Responsibility for Your Behavior. 

  • Your Symptoms/Disease/Illness are NOT Your Fault BUT You ARE 100% Responsible for Your Recovery. 
  • No Diagnosis and No Bad Emotional History Gives Anyone the Right to Behave without Accountability and Responsibility. 
  • Take Ownership of the Energy You Bring to a Space.
  •  WS makes every effort to provide a cozy, comfortable, peaceful, safe, and accommodating environment for our clients and staff. WS is a therapeutic healing group practice that is welcoming, compassionate, open-minded, and accepting. WS honors, values, and appreciates the professionalism, dedication, and commitment of our staff. WS will protect the energy of our healing space and the peace of mind, safety, and wellbeing of our staff. Anyone who is unkind, disrespectful, rude, demanding, argumentative, intimidating, mean spirited, abusive, or presents with behavior, communication, personality, attitude, or temperament that brings negative energy to WS will be refused services. In the event any individual brings negative energy to WS and especially to WS staff the individual will not receive services from WS. WS staff are not obligated to be the recipients of anyone’s projected, displaced, or inappropriate behavior or anger. Our administrative, billing, and clinical staff will be respected as humans and as professionals. Anyone who mistreats, disrespects, or abuses WS staff will be immediately discharged from care, refused services, and banned from communications or behaviors that jeopardize or infringes upon the WS healing sanctuary. WS will not provide warnings for or enable inappropriate behavior. WS reserves the right to refuse services to anyone, at any time, and for any reason.

5. I have Medicaid, Medicare, or TriCare. Do you accept these insurances?

  • No. WS does not accept Medicaid, Medicare, or TriCare. Since Medicaid, Medicare, and TriCare do not allow for out of network services. 

6. Can I complete the new client documents with paper and pen instead of online?

  • All WS documents are 100% paperless smart forms. No printing required. Simply click on the link and complete the form. 
  • We respect your time and make every effort to create an experience that is simple, easy, and convenient. 
  • We do NOT send our client documents in a format where they are printed, filled out, and signed with paper and pen. 

7. Why can’t I schedule an appointment for my spouse, friend, or adult child?

  • Due to privacy and confidentiality an adult cannot request or schedule appointments for another adult. 
  • If your loved one, such as a spouse, significant other, or adult child would like an appointment then he or she MUST be the person who requests and schedules the appointment. 
  • We CANNOT communicate with a support system member about a potential client, current client, or previous client as this is a potential confidentiality and privacy concern. 
  • We appreciate and embrace system members who are positive, helpful, and supportive of treatment. We are not able to communicate or coordinate any aspect of care with anyone without permission and a signed consent to release information. This is consistent and compliant with Texas State Law, Federal Law, and our professional ethics. 
  • Adult clients are expected to take adult responsibility for their appointment management. WS will not allow any adult other than the adult client to schedule appointments for himself or herself. WS will not communicate with any adult other than the adult client regarding any care or treatment. Adolescent clients may schedule for themselves or their parents may schedule for them. Adolescent clients may have parents communicate with WS if they choose to do so.

8. Can I schedule an appointment with WS prior to scheduling an appointment for my minor child? Can I schedule an appointment with WS during the course of my minor child’s treatment?

  • In order to avoid possible triangulation of the therapeutic relationship WS staff will not agree to have appointments with the parents of minor clients prior to beginning counseling nor will we have “secret” appointments with the parents of a minor client during the course of regular counseling. If you would like to participate in the counseling process of your loved one then you are welcome to do so with the expressed consent, permission, and understanding of the client. 

9. Can I provide information to WS regarding a client (adult or a minor) that I believe WS should know? 

  • No. WS cannot and will not confirm or deny that any person is a client or ever has been a client. 
  • WS cannot and will not provide any information to anyone about a client unless there  is a signed consent to release information on file that is initiated by the client for coordination of care. 
  • We strongly recommend that if a member of the client’s support system would like to provide information or participate in a client’s counseling process that he or she requests from the client directly that the support system member can participate. 

10. What should I expect for my first appointment?

  • For Telehealth Session: Clients with scheduled appointments will receive an email with a link to the meeting at the time of their scheduled session. We do not send links out early as they expire due to security purposes. Also, a new link is sent at the start of each telehealth session. (Wellness Solutions is currently seeing clients via telehealth only.)
  • You should receive appointment reminders via email and text prior to your appointment. You will also receive an invitation to set up your client portal which is helpful to view information related to your insurance or billing and to communicate with WS staff. 
  • Sessions begin at the top of the hour and are 45 minutes in duration. Your credit card on file will be charged for your sessions. 
  • All WS clients receive a client satisfaction survey via email after each session. We welcome feedback and seek out and encourage all of our clients to give us insight into your client experience. 

11. What is a standing appointment or recurring appointment?

  • A standing appointment or recurring appointment is when WS reserves a specific day and time on a weekly or every other weekly basis for you. We believe that scheduling a standing appointment weekly or every other week helps clients remember their appointments and is more convenient for scheduling. 
  • WS staff will contact you to check in and provide wellness outreaches. WS staff will also contact you to set up standing appointments or recurring appointments to establish a regular and consistent day and time. We find that clients prefer to have a structured and consistent schedule with their appointments to avoid the hassle of scheduling appointments each week or every other week. Once you confirm a standing appointment you can always change your standing appointment as needed. 

12. Why Didn't WS Return My Phone Call?

  • If you would like your phone call returned, leave a message with the required information to return the call. If you call WS and do not leave a voicemail with the information needed to return the call then our staff will not call you back. This means if you call and do not leave a message at all or if you do not provide the needed information to return the call we will not call you. The following information is required to leave a voicemail: The caller’s first and last name, the client’s first and last name, the DOB of the client, the secure private phone number where WS can return the call and leave a voicemail if needed, and the reason for the call.  

13. I canceled my appointment but I still received my appointment reminder, what happened?

  • WS appointment reminder system uploads four days in advance of the appointment. If you cancel your appointment and you still get an appointment reminder this is due to the appointment having uploaded to the system prior to your cancellation notice. 

14. How often should I expect to see my therapist?

  • New clients should expect to see their therapist once per week. Once clients begin to experience symptom reduction and are making progress towards treatment plan goals then they will have a frequency of every other week. 

15. If I have a standing appointment can I change my schedule or cancel appointments if I need to?

  • Yes. Everyone has scheduling changes that need to be accommodated or switched up. Just let us know and we will do our best to update your schedule based on what appointment times are available.

16. What happens if I miss an appointment or forget an appointment? Will you be mad?

  • Life happens to us all. No, we will not be mad. At WS we understand that real life happens to real people. We have what we affectionately call our "3 Freebie Flake Out Policy". This means a client can have 3 broken appointments (no call, no show, or request to cancel or reschedule without 24 hours notice) without being charged for the missed appointment. After a client has used his or her 3 freebie flake out sessions then he or she is charged the full fee for the session. It is important to understand that insurance does not pay for missed appointments so the full fee for the session is not the copay and is the full charged amount. 

17. Do I need to attend every session with my minor child?

  • If you are the parent of a minor who is attending his or her first appointment then please present with your adolescent for the first session. We generally prefer to split the first appointment time in half with the parent and adolescent together for the first part of the session and then spending the second part of the session with the adolescent client. Most sessions will be with the therapist and the client. The parent of the minor client will be invited to the session periodically. 
  • If you would like to contact your child’s therapist you can do so via email or requesting to sit in an ongoing session to address concerns together. Parents and members of the support system are welcome to communicate with WS staff regarding the care of their loved ones. It is important to be aware that the client has confidentiality and not the parent or support system member so any information that is shared in regards to the client’s care will not be kept from the client. It is also important to be aware that all contacts from the client’s support system will be explored with transparency in the client’s care. 

18. Will I be able to know everything that my minor child tells his/her therapist?

  • No. Minors have confidentiality rights from their parents. Parents do not have a right to know everything that a minor says in session.  Also, parents do not have a legal right to see all information contained in a minor's clinical chart. 

19. Why are both parents required to sign the intake documents?

  • Both parents are required to sign a minor client’s intake documents because proper informed consent and consent for treatment is required by law in the State of Texas. Outpatient non-emergent mental health treatment requires legal consent for treatment for adult and minor clients. In the case of minor clients both parents are required to provide this consent.  
  • We recognize that this requirement may be an inconvenience. We are understanding that this may provide complication to the intake process; however, this is the law and as such we are required to comply. 
  • You can find this information by clicking the following link WS Services to Minors with Contested Custody and Consent . In short, we apologize for any inconvenience obtaining the consent of both parents may require. It is certainly not our intention to be intrusive to your personal relationships or family dynamics. Texas law requires that we complete a thorough attempt to obtain proper informed consent with due diligence and ensure that anyone who is providing consent for treatment of a minor for non-emergent mental health services does so. We are merely following the state law by ensuring that we are providing care to a minor that has the consent of the guardians who are permitted to give that consent. In the event there is no custody decree in place by the courts it is imperative that we have documentation to substantiate we made every effort to include both guardians in the consent process. If you feel uncomfortable with this intake requirement we understand your apprehension and will provide you with referrals to other providers. I hope this helps to explain this with the additional details you were hoping for. 

20. What is a minor with contested consent or contested custody?

  • A minor with contested consent is when one of the minor’s parents will not agree to sing the intake documents providing consent for outpatient non-emergent mental health treatment. When one parent provides consent for treatment and another parent does not WS will not agree to accept the minor as a new client. 
  • A minor with contested custody is when the minor is the center of a custody disagreement. WS requires all minors with custody orders to provide WS with the full and complete custody decree, signed by the judge, dated, and unedited prior to WS agreeing to accept the minor as a  new client. 

21. Are there any exceptions to WS requiring both parents sign all intake documents?

  • No.
  • We recognize that this requirement may be an inconvenience. We are understanding that this may provide complication to the intake process; however, this is the law and as such we are required to comply. 

22. Are there any exceptions to WS not accepting minors with contested consent or contested custody as new clients?

  • No.
  • We recognize that this requirement may be an inconvenience. We are understanding that this may provide complication to the intake process; however, this is the law and as such we are required to comply. 

23. What are the limits of confidentiality? 

  • Please be advised that there are ethical and legal considerations regarding privacy, confidentiality, and privilege as it relates to one’s information disclosed in treatment and one’s expectation to maintain control over his/her information. 
  • Privacy: Involves an individual’s right to control the disclosure of personal information and to keep information to oneself. When a client gives a professional permission or consent to release information the professional only releases the minimum information necessary for the disclosure and within the parameters the client specifically allows in the consent. 
  • Confidentiality: Refers to the professional’s ethical duty to protect private information, including all information obtained in the professional therapeutic relationship. A mental health professional has a professional, ethical, and legal duty to safeguard confidential information from unauthorized disclosure. As a general rule, confidential information is disclosed only when mandated by law or with the client’s written authorization. There are limitations and exceptions, however; which include dangerousness to self or danger to others, or the abuse, neglect, or exploitation of minors, the elderly, or individuals considered vulnerable or at risk. 

  • Privilege: A legal concept limited to the protection of confidential information from forced disclosure in court and other legal proceedings. Privilege refers to the legal obligation that protects a client against forced disclosure of confidential information in court and in other legal proceedings. Privilege also has limits in legal parameters.  
  • The provider will respect, protect, and adhere to all ethical and legal obligations with regards to protecting your privacy, confidentiality, and protected health information (PHI). The client or client’s representative and/or parent(s)/guardian(s) must be aware that no one has complete absolute confidentiality. The client may sign a consent to release information form if he/she would like to give permission to the provider to coordinate and/or share the client’s confidential information with a third party. 
  • The provider is legally and ethically obligated to report the imminent threat of harm to self or others to proper authorities. The client is advised that the provider will report threats of imminent harm to oneself or others in order to facilitate and ensure the safety of the client and/or others. In circumstances where Wellness Solutions, LLC requests the client for consent to release information to ensure safety and the client declines the consent to release information then Wellness Solutions, LLC will discharge the client from care and the client will not be permitted to readmit to Wellness Solutions, LLC at any time in the future. The provider is legally and ethically compelled to report suspected child abuse, elder abuse, and/or abuse of adults who are disabled or unable to care for themselves. The provider is legally and ethically compelled to report when clients may pose a risk to the public. The provider may be compelled to provide confidential information related to treatment and diagnosis to third party payers and insurance companies as part of the claims submission and utilization review process. The client is advised that confidential information, such as diagnosis codes, provided to third party payers and insurance companies may result in changes to his/her coverage and ability to secure insurance coverage in the future. Further, clients in the areas of employment where the pursuit of treatment may have implications on his/her employment are advised that the submission of claims to third party payers and insurance companies may be shared with his/her employer. The provider advises the client information regarding the care of the client may be released or shared with third party payers, insurance providers, and employee assistance plans (EAP). The provider advises the client information may be shared based on need and to allow access to the minimum necessary client information required for purposes of standard business practices, quality control, quality improvement, clinical quality measures, client safety, legal procedures, audits, coordination with insurance companies or third party payers, audits from governmental bodies, credit card vendors, billing purposes, and for other similar purposes. The provider is legally compelled to comply with a subpoena and other actions of the court system in specific situations and circumstances. The client is advised that a client's treatment and all documentation with regard to treatment can be subpoenaed in a court of law. The client is advised that there is no complete and total confidentiality, privacy, or privilege for anyone regardless of circumstances. There are limitations ethically and legally to confidentiality, privacy, and privilege. The provider is legally compelled to allow government agencies access to client information and records for purposes of audits, investigations, and other official purposes. The client relinquishes all rights to privacy and confidentiality in the event the client/client guardian or any agent of the client provides a threat of any type and through any type of communication to Wellness Solutions, LLC and/or staff such that Wellness Solutions, LLC will protect the Wellness Solutions, LLC staff, clients, premises, and reputation. The client is advised that any and all legal and/or ethical rights to privacy and confidentiality are void in the event of legal, ethical, regulatory, or consumer complaints, investigations, audits, hearings, or other legal actions or proceedings. The client’s privacy and confidentiality relinquishes all rights to privacy and confidentiality if the client brings complaint or action against the provider for ethics investigations, HIPAA ONC investigations, or other legal activities, such as, arbitration, mediation, depositions, discovery, or lawsuits. The client is advised that the provider shares information with the following, but not limited to, partners called business associates and has contracts with said associates called Business Associate Agreements (BAA) for normal standard business practices with whom protected health information (PHI) may be shared. Though minors do have a right to privacy, in most circumstances, they do not have confidentiality with the same rights as an adult. Minor clients are advised that there are limitations to confidentiality especially with parents and/or legal guardians.
  • WS can and will breach confidentiality based on safety issues and issues of abuse. There are exceptions to confidentiality. Please make sure you understand and are aware that there are limitations to confidentiality. 
  • If you have a hypothetical situation that you would like to ask about- WS staff cannot provide that type of information. The only thing we can recommend is that you read the above information and make a decision for yourself. 

24.What is the difference between counseling, coaching, and psychotherapy?

  • There are many interpretations and definitions to distinguish between counseling, psychotherapy, and treatment; however, contained herein is a general explanation of these terms to provide a basic understanding. Counseling includes assistance, guidance, and support resolving personal, emotional, and other difficulties or stressors. Psychotherapy is the treatment of psychological disorders or maladjustments utilizing clinical techniques. Counseling and psychotherapy are terms that are often used interchangeably though psychotherapy is best understood as based in clinical acuity including diagnosis and treatment of mental and behavioral disorders whereas counseling includes problems of everyday living that cause distress. Treatment or therapy may also be used as a synonym for counseling and psychotherapy. Counseling, psychotherapy, and treatment focus on problems or symptoms that rise to a level of severity that impair one’s ability to function at their optimal levels. The goal of counseling, psychotherapy, and treatment is to reduce, extinguish, or resolve symptoms and problems so the individual may recover and return to his/her previous optimal level of functioning.
  • Counseling, psychotherapy, and treatment achieve this through clinically appropriate evidence-based and empirically supported and validated interventions. Counseling and psychotherapy are provided by licensed mental health professionals who receive extensive education, training, supervision, and experience to develop and refine clinical and professional expertise. Counseling and psychotherapy education and licensure requires a bachelor's degree and a masters degree, PhD, or psyd in clinical psychology, clinical social work, or counseling. Counseling and psychotherapy education and licensure requires ongoing training and consultation throughout one’s career. Counseling and psychotherapy licensure and treatment provide professional protections to clients, such as, privacy, confidentiality, and privileged communication. Licensed professional counselors follow professional, ethical standards, codes, and guidelines which are standardized and protected by law. In most circumstances counseling and psychotherapy are covered benefits for managed care insurance policies. Coaching is a process to empower individuals to develop strategies for achieving one’s personal best. Coaching assists individuals identify and augment strengths. Coaching focuses on holistic health and wellness. Wellness is a state of optimal performance and is not merely the absence of disease. Coaching assists individuals with identifying and exploring strengths, goals, and future oriented plans. Coaching does not include the assessment, diagnosis, intervention, or treatment of mental, behavioral, or psychological disorders. Though many counselors and psychotherapists do utilize coaching as a change facilitation strategy to assist their clients, coaching is not a treatment and does not have requirements for education, training, supervision, or licensure. Coaching does not provide a client legal or ethical protections for privacy, confidentiality, and privileged communication. Further, coaching is not a covered benefit for managed care insurance policies. 

25. Why Don't You Have The Pictures Of WS Staff On Your Website?

  • The therapeutic relationship is a professional relationship. WS provides the information needed to make an informed decision about the services a client would like to receive and the professional credentials and treatment philosophy of each staff member. Making an informed choice regarding the treatment a client receives should be based on the education, training, experience, and expertise of the clinician and this information is available on our website. One should choose their provider based on pertinent and relevant objective information directly related to the treatment and service he or she would like to receive. WS does not disclose personal information about staff members. 

26. How Do I Contact WS? What are the WS Communications Turnaround Times?

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